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сообщение 7.7.2009, 0:29
Сообщение #1


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Hello, does anybody experienced with P320 jtag connection ?
Since I totally damaged just this BL.
Could also someone upload with complete bootloader for this model, please ?
Thank you very much
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сообщение 8.7.2009, 0:28
Сообщение #2


Группа: Admin
Сообщений: 4884
Регистрация: 25.11.2007
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pitka, try to flash original image from asus.com.

P320 Russian V4.15.0 release note
Additional features and improvements:
1. Improve Day and Night Theme switch.
2. Improve system stability.
1. After firmware upgrade, the original files in P320 will not be saved, please backup the files using the Backup software in bonus CD.
2. Please do not upgrade to firmware of different languages and areas.
3. The encrypted files on your SD card may not able to be opened after firmware upgrade, please backup all encrypted files of SD card before firmware upgrade.
4. Please make sure the battery is more than 50%. It is recommended keeping the battery in charge during upgrade.
5. Please avoid using Kingmax 1G, 2G, 4G microSD cards and Transcend 4G microSD card to do upgrade.
Upgrade procedure:
1. After downloading P320_V4_15_0_V4_10_V1_21_0_RUS.zip, please unzip it.
2. Please directly copy folder “2577” into the root directory of your micorSD card. Please insert microSD card into P320 after the copy.
3. Keep the battery in charge during upgrade procedure.
4. Please follow the steps on the phone to upgrade.
5. Press and hold Volume Down key (on left side, shown below) and poke reset button (on bottom side), the system will boot up. Then release reset button and continue to hold Volume Down key until the screen shows writing percentage.
6. The system will start installation automatically.
7. It will re-start when system installation is completed.
8. System will start upgrading after touch panel calibration and date/time setting.

P.S. Извини за мой английский, я его не учил. Суть в том, что нужно попробовать залить официальную прошивку для твоего телефона, которая родная (твоя страна и язык).
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Сообщений в этой теме
- pitka   Asus P320 jtag   7.7.2009, 0:29
- - pitka   BL picture attached :   7.7.2009, 22:07
- - SAXON13   As I see Your bootloader is not dead, so you don...   7.7.2009, 22:56
|- - pitka   Yes, I tried to use 3x SD cards capacity (2G, 1G a...   7.7.2009, 23:40
- - AGC   pitka, try to flash original image from asus.com. ...   8.7.2009, 0:28
- - pitka   Thanks AGC, ja ponimaju po ruskom jazyku. :-) So ...   8.7.2009, 0:44
- - AGC   А вот с бутом беда, отдельно ebootond.nb0 я не вст...   8.7.2009, 1:02
- - pitka   I read this post, too. Same problem as main. Vers...   8.7.2009, 1:18
- - AGC   Так а что заливать через JTAG, если нет самого бут...   8.7.2009, 1:22
- - pitka   Original version has been WWE (this original versi...   8.7.2009, 1:31
- - AGC   А может просто все дело в карте (MicroSD)? Проверь...   8.7.2009, 2:03
- - pitka   I think that isnt caused by SD cards. As I tested ...   8.7.2009, 2:24
- - pitka   Small update, I was able to go through message ...   9.7.2009, 16:15
- - Saval   У меня сейчас та же проблема, но с другой версией ...   19.7.2009, 12:24
|- - pitka   Your issue is far away from main. You have problem...   19.7.2009, 21:15
|- - AGC   Цитата(pitka @ 19.7.2009, 22:15) Has anyb...   19.7.2009, 23:13
|- - pitka   to AGC : yes I know that service is one of possibl...   19.7.2009, 23:57
- - AGC   pitka, по JTAG контактам и как их искать - это к S...   20.7.2009, 0:18
|- - pitka   Thanks, you are right. Note that nearly all servic...   20.7.2009, 2:11
- - warr   Hi. Please please tell : What is the solution? ...   14.6.2010, 9:14
- - SAXON13   May be on the top of board in left corner 15-Pin D...   15.6.2010, 1:44
|- - warr   QUOTE(SAXON13 @ 14.6.2010, 23:44) May be ...   15.6.2010, 22:59
- - ersandrej   SAXON13 я думаю, что JTAG пины вот здесь, т.к. про...   19.6.2010, 14:25

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